Monday, March 9, 2009

Christine Berrie

If you follow Perfectly Chic you know that I am a nut for anything and everything retro. That is perhaps why I am so infatuated with the work of Christine Berrie of CB78. Her work is comprised of graphite and colored pencil drawings of old cameras, scooters, cars even landscapes. Her subjects are both iconic and beautiful. What I think I love most is the way she can draw/ render imperfectly-- yet it still comes off as believable. Her shop offers prints in a series, individual images or a poster of like minded pieces. I am happy to say I am the soon to be proud owner of the scooter series displayed here. I hope you enjoy her tantalizing touch of retro as much as I do! Chic Factor 9.8

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Graham Franciose

During my aforementioned sojourns to the impending doom of Z Gallerie I came across a painting I ADORED -- I kept my eye on this painting in the hopes of holding out long enough to strike an unbelievable bargain. To my dismay the painting sold well before it hit 40% off. However I researched the painting online and found the artist (to be disclosed on a later post). In my research I came across the fact that the artist is co-owner of an art gallery/ store down town Austin.I've found that researching artists often brings forth a rewarding trail for the avid blood hound. Since I loved this artist's work it's only natural that I would love most of the artists that artist loves. In other words it's a big family tree of aesthics inbreeding in the artistic gene pool. So with that being said-- through the artist I researched I found Graham Franciose's work. It's childlike and lovely with it's juxtaposition of sketch vs oil and acrylic.
Franciose states that his work evoles as he creates it -- he never does thumbnails-- this speaks to me because as an artist I'm very much the same way-- if I plan it out completely it turns out looking like junk becuase I rely more on my precieved final work (which incidently never matches initial expectation) rather than relying on emotion and working organically.

Anyway-- I hope you enjoy his work as much as I do! Chic Factor 9.6

Monday, March 2, 2009

One of my Many New Treasures!

Z Galleries Stores are going OUT OF BIZNASS lol. So I've been stocking up on chicness like it's my job! Check out this perfectly chic chandelier! Now I know what you're thinking "Ana you don't even have a house" well... that's correct and I found myself saying that in my head as well-- but the way I look at it-- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I'm making an investment in my future and for 50% off I might add. All I have to do is find a house to compliment my fabulous Chandeier and TADA Houston "all systems are go". Chic Factor : 9.8

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spectacular Shoes!

I admit the fact that I have a shoe infatuation especially shoes in bright, bold colors. Check out my most recent order from they are bright, cheery and utterly chic!

Shoes by Me Too -- they are bright and relatively inexpensive-- casual enough to wear right from work to dinner or shopping! Chic Factor: 8.5

French Sole. Sadly I had to return these gems. They run about 1/2 size too small (and being a size 11 already rules out any hope of my step sister sized feet squeezing into this Cinderella's slipper :o( Chic factor :9.8

Jessica Bennett-- I loved the colors and the detail on the "strap and button" that run the opposite pattern as the rest of the silk shoe. Chic factor: 7.8